Gone Fishing

Those of you who have followed the blog for a couple years know that each year I take a week to get completely off the grid, take my kids up to Northern Ontario and do my best to latch on to a large smallmouth bass, lake trout, and/or, northern pike. 

This is self-care for me. Once a year, I get to a place where I cannot look at my phone. My computer will not be with me. I will be dad. I will be brother. I will be son. I will not be President & CEO of OrgCode. I may hatch blog ideas, but not intentionally, and I sure as heck will not be writing them. I may figure out answers to complex social challenges because the struggles of bringing in a big fish took a long time, but again, it will be by accident. It is true that I live and breathe really complex social challenges on a daily basis. And I find it impossible to turn that off. But I can put myself into situations where I think about it less.

I am never going to be the guy to best teach you or your organization how to practice self-care. Of my many flaws, workaholism is one for sure. But I am trying.

See you all next week. And should you want a fish story, hit me up – there is bound to be at least one that gets away.


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