Our trainers are amongst the most sought-after in the business. Why? Because we understand the realities of frontline work, know the content remarkably well, and deliver training with panache!
3 Training Options
Affordable online training courses
We offer a broad range of live and pre-recorded online training sessions.
In person training
We offer a broad range of training topics ready to be delivered live and in person for your organization or entire community, and customized for your unique needs.
Customized remote learning
We customize virtual training sessions specifically for an organization or an entire community.
What People Are Saying
“I just wanted to thank you for the webinar that you presented yesterday! Genuinely thought it was some of the best training/information that I’ve received in ages.
Just wanted to give you some positive feedback, because honestly it was great!”
— Steph B., ON
“LOVED the webinar & appreciate all of your experience. I have never heard so much detail about strategies for harm reduction overall OR harm reduction strategies for specific drugs. This was hands down the best session on harm reduction I’ve attended in over 30 years of practice.”
— D.L., LA
Popular training topics
Housing-Based Case Management
Our longest standing and most popular training, we cover practical strategies for helping formerly homeless people stay housed, establish and realize goals, and help people achieve the greatest amount of independence possible. Perfect for Rapid ReHousing and Intensive Case Management practices.
Introduction to Harm Reduction
We help homelessness and housing support agencies understand what harm reduction is and is not, cover the basics of frequently used substances and strategies for reducing harm with each substance. This training is essential for low barrier programs.
Introduction to Trauma Informed Care
We help communities understand the importance of trauma-informed care and the basics of how that influences the delivery of homelessness and housing support programs, all through a non-clinical lens.
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing and Assertive Engagement
For staff that help support change in the people served, this training on Motivational Interviewing and Assertive Engagement is a must. Learn the basics of both Motivational Interviewing and Assertive Engagement along with practical tips for deploying the approach right away.
Housing-Focused Shelter
We help shelters become low-barrier, housing-focused processes for re-housing people and breaks the chains of therapeutic incarceration. For shelters just getting started in the space of trying to reduce lengths of stay and improve positive exits from shelter, this training is a must.
Impactful Street Outreach & Housing-Focused Service to Encampments
Learn how to better prioritize time and efforts for meeting the needs of unsheltered, rough sleeping people in your community, through an unrelenting focus on housing people directly from living outdoors. Impactful street outreach is transformative, moving from contact-driven engagement to outcome-driven engagement. Perfect for experienced and new street outreach practitioners alike. Also, if you are serving people living in encampments and prefer housing solutions over enforcement this training can be very helpful for understanding the dynamics of encampments, how to understand the needs of people in encampments and develop a comprehensive response plan.
Prevention, Diversion and Rapid Resolution
Learn the difference between prevention, diversion and rapid resolution, when and how to apply each to decrease demands for shelter services, while promoting safe and appropriate alternatives to shelter and rapid exits from shelter.
Introduction to Strengths-Based Approach
Many organizations talk a good game about being strengths-based, but what does that really mean in the engagement with people experiencing homelessness or newly housed? Learn how a strengths-based approach improves goal setting, nurtures confidence, and promotes resiliency.
Securing Housing and Working Well with Landlords
Your housing program will colossally fail if you do not have private landlords to work with, in addition to whatever government assistance is available to help you recruit and retain landlords. Housing is the only known cure to homelessness, so best to ensure there are multiple strategies for bringing housing units to the table for people experiencing homelessness.
Onboarding Essentials
We offer the essential information for new staff and board members to become familiar with homelessness, the interventions that work, and how to operate as a system of care. There are Canadian and American versions of this pre-recorded webinar.
Improving Goal Setting
Goal setting is fundamental to leveraging strengths and helping motivate change. Learn how to improve goal setting using different approaches and becoming exposed to different tools that can be used in the goal setting process that are customized for the needs of the individual, couple or family being supported.
“Data” is a 4 Letter Word
Don’t love data, yet still see it as necessary for effective work in preventing and ending homelessness? This is the training for you where data is simplified and demystified and positioned to help you better meet the needs of people experience homelessness or newly in housing.
Leading and Managing in Homelessness and Housing Support Services
We outline the differences between leadership and management in the sector, and walk through mission, vision, values, community planning, strategic planning, supporting teams, crafting a teachable point of view, and when and how to track progress and acknowledge success and opportunities for improvement.
Supervising Staff in Homelessness Services or Housing Support Programs
This training reviews the basics of effective supervision to maximize results of the team in programs and services that engage people experiencing homelessness, as well as in programs and services that support people in housing.