Organizational Development
”OrgCode” – the DNA that makes organizations high-performing. It is how the firm started and we love staying true to our roots.
Performance Management
We see performance management as a continuous process of improvement. We feel it is important to have individual and team goals that are aligned to strategic goals of the community and organization to prevent and end homelessness. We further feel it is helpful to plan performance to achieve goals, review and assess progress, and develop skills, abilities, and knowledge amongst practitioners in the field.
Strategic Planning
We guide and facilitate organizations and entire communities, large and small, through the strategic planning process, and the development of a strategic plan. We believe the strategic plan is the backbone to efforts to prevent, reduce and end homelessness. We believe it is necessary to have clear goals that build upon strengths while stretching the organization or community to achieve improved outcomes in reducing and ending homelessness.
We facilitate board and staff retreats, one or more days in length, on or off site for the organization or community leaders. Retreats are structured, usually, to acknowledge and affirm what is going well, building the skills and potential of retreat participants, and guiding groups to a shared vision and commitment.
Good governance is necessary for good outcomes, a shared sense of purpose and belonging of contributions, and appropriate accountability and oversight of policy and operations. We guide organizations and communities to the governance structure that works best for their needs.