We help shelters, street outreach and day services transform their programs, services, and policies to be housing-focused.
Street Outreach Transformation
We help street outreach providers focus their street outreach efforts on ending homelessness. Rather than seeing street outreach as all things to all people who are unsheltered, we emphasize outreach strategies that are linked to community priorities, and help understand and implement strategies to best assist people that have been unsheltered for quite some time.
Shelter Transformation
We help shelter providers orient their service delivery towards ending homelessness through housing-focused shelter. From diversion through to informed strategies to identify and better help long-term shelter stayers exit to permanent housing, we want to ensure the inflow to shelter is decreased while outflow from shelter to positive destinations increases.
Day Service Transformation
Drop-ins, day shelters and other day services can be instrumental in reducing and ending homelessness. We help day service providers transform their operations to be active, engaged and housing-focused spaces, where additional housing services can be co-located.