OrgCode – What’s Next?

If you have been paying attention in social media, you know that I have added onto the OrgCode team as of late. Jeff, Tracy and yours truly remain the core employees. We will still have one or more interns pretty much all the time. But on top of that, I am super grateful we have been able to get some top tier talent to devote some time to OrgCode. Let me tell you why.

I am the face of OrgCode. I get that. But I am not OrgCode. If we really want to penetrate the organizational DNA to make change happen (which is where the name “OrgCode” came from originally), we need a range of talents beyond just what I offer.

Zach Brown, Amanda Sisson, Mike Shore, Kris Freed, and Erin Wixsten are exceptional people. They all know OrgCode. All have cool, established day jobs. And they give OrgCode things it does not have, as well as make some of the things we do have better. In this arrangement we gain expertise in landlords, housing authorities, families, data systems, youth, rural, housing operations, LGBTQ, rapid rehousing, strategic planning, and training.

For two days later this week we are holed up together in Toronto to plan our next steps together. I can promise you this:

  • we will be creating new products and updating some existing OrgCode products

  • the website is going through an overhaul

  • we will be determining how best to provide training, where and for what purpose

  • the Leadership work will continue

  • we will better articulate the projects we want to be involved with, and why


I am excited for the next chapter of what this all means. This work has always been about making change, not making money. This newest incarnation of who we are pushes us further into the realm of making meaningful impact.

Stay tuned.


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