Importance of Team Leader Training

This week we launched our re-vamped two-day Team Leader training program. Through the Introduction and 9 modules, we try to set the stage for excellence in program delivery. Through analysis and synthesis of the main currents of thought and practice in leadership and management across the public, private, non-profit and non-governmental sectors, the Team Leader training covers:

  1. Maintaining program fidelity

  2. Being technically and tactically proficient

  3. Making sound and timely decisions

  4. Setting the example

  5. Knowing your team and looking out for their welfare

  6. Training your people as a team

  7. Knowing the boundaries of your leadership

  8. Balancing management & leadership

  9. Using data to improve your team

Several things struck me this week in ways they haven’t as profoundly in other Team Leader training we have done:

  1. We need to invest more time and energy in developing Team Leaders early on in the development and delivery of programs rather than doing it after the program has been running any great length of time.

  2. We need to help people better understand the differences between leadership and management.

  3. Team Leaders need a safe space to explore ideas, network, expose deficiencies and ask their peers for help and guidance. This won’t always be successful when their funder is present.

  4. The right combination of real life situations and theory are core components for Team Leaders to soak in what they are learning.

  5. The uniqueness of the Team Leader position needs to be better understood and embraced by the organizations that they work for and the staff that are supported by them.

  6. Some organizations are not investing in full-time Team Leader positions, which can affect team performance.

  7. We can’t look at Team Leader training as just a two-day event and need to better position it as a worthwhile online casino investment as part of the learning culture and professional casino development within each organization.

If you’d like to learn more about our Team Leader training, drop me a note at


Another Teaching Year Around the Corner


National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference 2011 – aka #naeh11