Wow – That is a Big Number

This is a short, supplemental blog to acknowledge the amazing achievement that the 100K Homes Campaign and the Campaign Communities reached today, announcing that the goal has been surpassed (101,628 of which over 30,000 were Veterans).

Whether your community participated in the campaign or not, you need to learn from what they were able to accomplish.

Others may outline this better than I, but here is what I have taken away from the experience:


  1. Have steadfast fixity of purpose and don’t waiver from it.

  2. Set a target that stretches you beyond your comfort zone.

  3. Appreciate that imperfect action trumps perfect planning…much is to be learned from the art of doing.

  4. Put together a kick-ass leadership team.

  5. Create excitement amongst service providers and celebrate their awesomeness and leverage their expertise.

  6. Don’t lose sight of the people that you serve…the homeless persons that receive housing.

  7. Prioritize who gets housed rather than creaming or first come, first served.

  8. Pull in geniuses like the Rapid Results Institute to accelerate change even more.

  9. Challenge dominant thinking in a community if that dominant thinking is entrenched in ineffective ways of doing things.

  10. Stay on message in talking about your achievements.


This campaign may go down as the greatest game changer that has ever happened in the sector. High five to every homeless person housed through the campaign; high five to every campaign community; high five to every elected official and government employee that supported the campaign; high five to every volunteer that participated in a registry week; high five to Community Solutions and the 100K Homes Campaign team.


The Non-judgmental Practitioner

