The Imposter Syndrome Club: New Members Welcome
Some mornings, I wake up certain—confident in what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, and how we’re moving forward. Other mornings, I wake up wondering if I’m the right person for this work at all.
How can I be good at this if homelessness is still increasing? How can I have a day filled with clarity and progress, only to feel completely lost an hour later? How can I have moments of confidence, inspiration, and purpose—then, in the same day, question if I have any idea what I’m doing?
If you’ve felt this, too, you’re not alone.
Imposter syndrome is that creeping doubt that we don’t deserve to be here, that our successes are just luck, and that sooner or later, someone will realize we have no idea what we’re doing. It’s that nagging voice that whispers, You aren’t qualified enough. You aren’t smart enough. You aren’t making enough of a difference. And it’s shockingly common—even among people who are highly skilled, deeply committed, and outwardly confident.
If anything, it might be more common in the homelessness sector than almost anywhere else.
We’re in a field where urgency is constant and the stakes are incredibly high. People’s well-being, safety, and futures are on the line every single day. The work is never “done,” and the goal—ending homelessness—feels massive. Even when we make progress, it’s rarely as fast or as complete as we want it to be.
We focus on outcomes, and rightfully so. I’ve spent years emphasizing the need to measure success based on real, meaningful change rather than just tracking activities. And I still believe this—maybe now more than ever. We need to hold ourselves accountable to outcomes over outputs—fewer shelter stays and more permanent housing, reduced returns to homelessness, stronger system coordination. But there’s a trap in this thinking, too.
Because if we’re not careful, we start tying those high-level system-wide outcomes to our own personal worth. And that’s where imposter syndrome thrives.
No matter how hard we work, no one person alone can “end homelessness.” Progress depends on a hundred moving pieces, many of which are completely out of our control—housing availability, political will, funding cycles, economic conditions, public perception. If we judge ourselves solely by whether homelessness is solved at a provincial, national, or global level, we will always feel like we’re failing.
The worst part about imposter syndrome? It convinces us we’re the only ones feeling it.
I’ve had conversations with some of the most experienced and accomplished leaders in our sector—people I deeply admire—who have confessed they sometimes feel like frauds, too.
If even the best of the best wrestle with these feelings, what does that tell us?
This feeling doesn’t exist in isolation. It feeds into burnout—the exhaustion that comes from constantly feeling like we’re not doing enough.
And when we burn out, we don’t just suffer personally—we lose our ability to be effective, to think strategically, and to stay in this work long-term. That’s why acknowledging and addressing imposter syndrome matters.
The truth is: you are not an imposter.
If homelessness isn’t solved yet, it’s not because you’re failing. It’s because this is one of the most complex social challenges we face. And the fact that you care enough to question whether you’re doing enough? That’s proof that you belong here.
If you feel lost some days, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be in this work. It just means you’re human.
So, let’s name the feeling, talk about it, and remind each other: we’re in this together.
In fact, maybe we should make this official. I propose we start a club—the Imposter Syndrome Club. No formal agenda, no PowerPoints, no icebreakers. Just a space for some of the best leaders I know to say out loud, Yep, me too. Maybe we just start acknowledging it in every conference hallway conversation—or maybe, just maybe, we get matching Imposter Syndrome Club patches (like those Motley Crüe ones from the exhibition when we were kids) and start wearing it as a badge of honor. Not because we doubt ourselves, but because we keep showing up and forging ahead anyway.
Welcome to the club,
Beyond NIMBY: Turning Concern Into Collaboration
Dear Shelter Leaders and Staff,
We know this work has never felt harder.
We know it feels like the voices against shelters are louder than the voices supporting them. That the pushback, the fear, and the frustration from communities can feel like yet another barrier on top of an already impossible system. That every crisis inside the walls of your shelter is met with a different kind of crisis outside of them—misunderstanding, fear, and resistance. We know it’s exhausting.
And while there is no silver bullet, no one resource or approach that will magically fix everything, a well-built Community Liaison Committee (CLC) can be an incredibly valuable tool in shifting the conversation away from “us vs. them” and toward shared solutions.
Most people don’t see the effort that goes into making a shelter run—the constant work to help people move into housing, the crisis interventions that prevent harm, and the ongoing efforts to secure the right supports for each person. And even when shelters are incredibly successful in doing this, there is always a steady inflow of new guests. From the outside, it can appear as though nothing is changing—as though the same people are always there, when in reality, shelters are doing the hard work of moving people forward every day. Shelter staff, in turn, don’t always get to see how the shelter is perceived from the outside—how community members interpret what they see, the concerns they have, and how uncertainty can turn into opposition. That gap in understanding can lead to division rather than cooperation. From the outside, people often see only the moments of crisis, not the daily efforts that prevent them. They see the impacts of systemic failures spilling out onto the streets, not the small victories that happen every day inside your walls. You might know that the firetruck that was at your shelter again today was because of an oversensitive smoke detector in the kitchen, but to neighbours and community members, it just looks like another emergency or crisis. CLCs help bridge that gap.
So much of our work is spent pushing back against NIMBYism, fighting against resistance that often feels immovable. But the reality is, most people who oppose shelters aren’t actually opposed to helping people experiencing homelessness—they are opposed to what they perceive as unmanaged disruption in their communities. And whether or not we agree with their perspective, it matters. Their experiences and fears, even if they don’t align with our own, are real to them. And the more we ignore or dismiss them, the more the divide grows.
A well-designed CLC doesn’t exist to debate whether shelters should exist—it exists to make shelter integration work better. It helps community members understand what’s happening inside the shelter, not just outside of it. It helps shelter staff understand how their programs impact the surrounding community beyond the front doors. It creates a space for problem-solving rather than just complaint management. It strengthens trust and transparency so that when challenges arise, there is already a foundation of communication in place. A strong CLC fosters two-way communication—ensuring that community members feel heard, but also that shelters have a structured way to share information and correct misconceptions. They are not just complaint hotlines; they are about building relationships and finding solutions together.
At the same time, it’s important to clarify that CLCs are not meant to replace shelter boards. While shelter boards oversee governance, strategic planning, and financial oversight, CLCs focus on fostering constructive relationships between the shelter and the surrounding community. They are a tool for engagement, not a governing body.
And just as we advocate for greater understanding of shelter operations, we must also ensure that the dignity, resilience, and strength of those who use shelters are not diminished in these conversations. People experiencing homelessness are not problems to be managed—they are community members who deserve safety, support, and respect. CLCs can help ensure that their voices are also part of the discussion, countering harmful narratives and shifting perceptions toward shared humanity.
None of this changes the overwhelming pressures shelters face right now. It doesn’t create more housing or more funding or solve the staffing shortages that make this work so difficult. But it does provide a pathway to reduce conflict, build trust, and shift the narrative from one of opposition to one of collaboration.
We don’t have to accept that the only way forward is endless fighting. We can create spaces where understanding replaces fear, where solutions are co-created rather than imposed, and where the work of helping people find safety and stability isn’t seen as a threat to the community, but as something we all have a stake in.
You are doing incredibly hard, valuable, and necessary work. A well-built CLC won’t remove every challenge, but it can make some of them easier to navigate. And right now, that’s worth considering.
If your community is navigating challenges around shelter integration, a well-structured CLC can be a meaningful way to foster understanding and collaboration. Anything that moves us away from an 'us vs. them' mentality and toward 'all of us against a broken system' is a win. At OrgCode, we’ve seen how CLCs can create space for honest conversations, bridge divides, and lead to stronger relationships between shelters and their communities. If you're considering this approach, we’d love to share what we’ve learned and explore how it might work in your community.
In solidarity,
Why Shelter Data Matters—And How We Can Do It Better
Most people don’t get into shelter work because they love data entry. They do it because they care about people—people often overlooked by society. They stay because they see the impact they’re making.
So when we talk about shelter data, it’s understandable that some people check out. Isn’t the “real work” about helping people? Absolutely. But if we don’t use data well, we’re limiting our ability to help.
To understand why data matters, ask two simple questions:
Who benefits from it?
How are they better off because of it?
Too often, we fail to make these connections because:
We collect data but don’t use it to drive change.
We focus on the wrong data.
We treat data entry as separate from the “real work.”
It’s time to stop proving we know how to count and start using data to improve outcomes.
Data Is a Puzzle—And Every Piece Matters
Think of data as a giant puzzle, where each piece represents a guest’s story, their housing journey, and the support they need to exit shelter successfully.
When data is missing, gaps form that affect everything:
A guest’s housing barriers may not be fully understood, making it harder to connect them to the right resources.
A rising trend—like more seniors seeking shelter—may go unnoticed until it’s a crisis.
Decision-makers may fund the wrong things or fail to see what’s not working.
When we consistently collect and use good data, we don’t just improve shelter operations—we make sure no one is left behind.
The Problem with “Counting Data”
Many shelters track data because they have to—not because it helps them improve outcomes.
We often focus on “counting data”—meals served, showers taken, mail received. These numbers tell us we’re busy, but do they tell us if anyone is better off?
We need to move beyond tracking what we do and start using data to improve what we do:
Instead of just counting how many guests stayed in shelter, track how many exited to stable housing.
If some guests are staying longer, analyze what’s preventing them from moving on.
Use data to advocate for funding and system improvements that actually make a difference.
Shelters Can’t Do It Alone: Building a Data-Driven Culture
To make data useful, shelters need partnerships, communication, and leadership buy-in.
1. Strong, Trusting Relationships
Shelters are part of a larger system that includes Coordinated Access leads, HIFIS administrators, system planners, and funders—all of whom may influence what data gets collected.
Trust isn’t built through compliance—it’s built through collaboration. When shelters trust that their data is being used meaningfully, they’re more likely to invest time in collecting it accurately.
2. Honest, Two-Way Communication
Shelters often feel like data is something “required of them” rather than something they’re part of.
Instead of just handing down lists of required data points, explain why they matter:
If you’re asking staff to track Housing History in HIFIS, explain how that data is now critical for calculating chronicity, which likely means greater prioritization in most communities.
If a new data field is introduced, don’t just say, “Start tracking this.” Instead, clearly explain who the data benefits and how it will be used.
When staff understand why their data matters, they’re more likely to track it accurately and consistently.
I made this mistake before—once requiring shelter staff to track every guest’s “reason for service” but failing to explain why. At the end of the year, we had overwhelming data showing that 98% of shelter guests accessed shelter due to a lack of housing. Not exactly groundbreaking. That was a missed opportunity to gather better insights.
3. Leadership Must Lead by Example
If shelter leadership never logs into HIFIS or engages with data, why should frontline staff?
Leaders should:
Review key shelter data regularly.
Use data to drive decisions and improve services.
Reference data in meetings to highlight progress and challenges.
This isn’t about micromanaging data entry—it’s about showing that data matters beyond compliance.
Making Data Less Overwhelming
Data feels like a burden when:
It’s overcomplicated.
It focuses on the wrong things.
It feels like “extra work” rather than part of the job.
Here’s how to make data work for shelters, not against them:
Cut out legacy data. If no one knows why a data point is being collected, ask whether it’s still necessary.
Find the right balance between simplicity & quality. Focus on the most critical data points that drive decisions.
Make data part of team culture. Use dashboards to show progress, set internal challenges (e.g., “Let’s reduce length of stay by 10% this quarter”), and celebrate data champions.
When staff see data as a tool for success rather than a compliance headache, everything changes.
Final Thought: Data Is a Tool—Not a Task
At the end of the day, data isn’t separate from the “real work.”
Every data point is a piece of a guest’s story.
Every report tells a bigger truth about what’s happening.
Every system change that improves services starts with better data.
If we use data well, we don’t just run shelters more efficiently. We change lives.
Let’s make sure the data we collect is worth the time it takes to track it.
What’s Next?
Want to make data work better in your shelter? Start by:
Reviewing what you track and eliminating unnecessary data fields.
Regularly sharing data with staff to keep them engaged.
Celebrating data wins (and data champions).
Advocating for data-driven system improvements that help your guests.
If your shelter or system is struggling to connect data to real impact, OrgCode can help. Whether it’s refining what data you track, building a stronger data culture, or making the most of HIFIS, we work with communities to ensure data drives real change—not just compliance.
Let’s move from data collection for compliance to data collection for change.
A Tale of Two Shelter Organizations in Approaches to Supporting People that Use Substances
In summary, there are two organizations that I have had recent engagements with that demonstrate the huge gulf in understanding of harm reduction and practice of harm reduction in homelessness support services and housing support services.
Organization One does not allow any person that is suspected of using alcohol or other drugs on property. There is no access to harm reduction supplies or education in Organization One. There remains a perception amongst leadership of Organization One that people need to want to get clean and sober, and that people have to make that choice in their life if they want to get a job and retain housing. “Otherwise, there’s no point in housing ‘em,” remarked the shelter executive.
Organization Two, on the other hand, already distributes harm reduction supplies, provides harm reduction education and is actively involved in harm reduction programming for people that use substances or are involved in sex work. Organization Two is currently looking to integrate a supervised consumption site, begin a Managed Alcohol Program, and support access to safer drug supply, while also exploring alternate models to community-based safer sobering.
True across Organization One and Organization Two is that they both claim to be low barrier, both claim to be ending homelessness, and both believe their approach to engaging with people that use substances is the best approach.
Harm reduction is an evidence-based practice. It even has a journal! Harm reduction literature is clear: harm reduction interventions are demonstrably effective for assisting people that use alcohol or other drugs. The effectiveness has been demonstrated in many settings with different populations, including people experiencing homelessness. In other words, harm reduction is not just an opinion on how to assist people (and entire communities) that are negatively impacted by their use of alcohol or other drugs; it has been proven to work. To reject harm reduction as an idea or practice without reviewing the evidence means the objection to harm reduction is ideological, not based on fact.
Harm reduction embraces core principles. While the articulation of the principles varies between harm reduction organizations and coalitions, and the populations they serve specifically (e.g., people that use substances; people involved with sex work) they generally can be summed up as follows when it comes to substance use:
Pragmatism: we work to reduce the immediate and tangible harms of substance use, rather than embracing an abstract notion of a drug free society.
Focus on harms: we focus on the reduction of harmful consequences of use, which can include a broad array of strategies from access to supplies to change in substance, mode of practice, frequency and/or location.
Autonomy: the decision to use alcohol or drugs is a personal one, and the decision to use comes with the responsibilities associated with it.
Flexibility: actions and possibilities are considered at the individual level, without expectation of a particular course of action in a certain order.
Prioritization of Goals: goals are set at the individual level, with more immediate actions that can reduce the most immediate harms prioritized ahead of longer-term, more future oriented goals.
In developing a harm reduction approach that will work best in any particular shelter environment, it is critical to ensure the voices of people with living experience of substance use are included. Intentionally, marginalized voices such as those that identify as BIPOC, 2SLGBTQ*, gender non-binary, gender non-conforming and differently abled must be included. Harm reduction does not succeed if it is not culturally safe.
In practicing harm reduction within a shelter, workers should be expected to:
· respect the individual and see and support the whole person in achieving optimum wellness as defined by the individual;
· be supportive and conscious of the autonomy of the person engaged in substance use;
· empower shelter guests in making decisions related to their substance use;
· exhibit compassion and express empathy; and,
· collaborate with the shelter guest to develop approaches to reduce harm that are aligned to the needs of the person using substances.
Harm reduction practices exist along a continuum in the delivery of shelter services. I put together this table to demonstrate some of those ideas. (As an aside, consider this table a work in progress that can be updated with more examples of harm reduction practices with people that use substances in a shelter environment.)
Harm reduction is predicated upon meeting people where they are at. For organizations that they are non-judgmental, the provision of harm reduction is relatively straightforward, but for organizations that claim to be non-judgmental but have practices related to drug testing or requiring sobriety, they likely are judgmental. Seeing the whole person and their potential to reduce harm in their lives requires a truly person-centered and hopeful approach to service delivery. Delivering harm reduction is also aligned to a trauma-informed approach to the work, especially if we lean into the connection in many people’s lives between past traumas and current substance use. We must create environments for service that are emotionally, psychologically and physically safe for people that use substances. We should be transparent in our quest for trust-building. We should empower trained peers in the journey to reducing harm and improving wellness. We should give people voice and choice in the services they want and goals they want to pursue. We should appreciate cultural, historical and gender use in substance use and harm reduction.
Harm reduction services to people experiencing homelessness should be coupled with a focus on housing. Results of research by Milaney et al. conclude: Results highlight the importance of concurrently addressing housing instability alongside the provision of harm reduction services. Secure housing with supports can further reduce harm of substance use.
If you are a shelter that is already practicing harm reduction, or a shelter interested in the practice of harm reduction, you may want to check out this resource prepared by Public Health in the City of Toronto. It is a guidance document on the practice of harm reduction in shelters. You may find it helpful to compare shelter practices in your community currently with the 10 Points of Harm Reduction for Shelter Programs. Then look at opportunities for improvement and change that will further lower barriers relative to the population you are serving and your local context.
There are some shelter providers that want to provide a space for people working on sobriety. If there is more than one shelter in the community or a floor/area within the shelter where that can be provided, it may be appropriate to have a small part of the system that requires sobriety. However, let’s explicitly name it as such, provide a policy rationale for doing so, and stop claiming that doing so is lower barrier. Moderate to higher barrier sober sheltering can be integrated into a broader system of care, so long as the most vulnerable people experiencing homelessness have at least one place they can go and be accepted in the community if they use substances. Furthermore, a person seeking a sober shelter should do so because that is what they desire, not because it is the only shelter space available. Our aim should always be to provide a social service, not to exercise social control.
Now back to Organization One and Organization Two. With changes in sheltering practices and demands on shelter services resulting from COVID, I would argue we need to be as low barrier as is operationally possible. Now is not the time for further restrictions on access that will place even more people experiencing homelessness in peril. With homelessness likely to get worse before it gets better, I cringe at the thought of a divide in shelter access that, in essence, is determining a deserving and undeserving population based upon their substance use. Might this mean changes in policy and practice? Yes. Might this mean more training is needed? Yes. Might this mean working with funders and neighbours to help them understand what you are aiming to do? Yes. Might more people stay alive making it possible to house them, support them, and reduce harms associated with their substance use? Yes to that too.
Back to Blogging Again
Hey! How you been? Long time no blog.
I’m ready to get back to blogging.
Where have I been?
I have been listening. Processing. Learning. Reflecting. Growing. Reading. Changing.
I have been working through depression made worse by the pandemic and life events.
I have been working on recovering from some historical trauma.
I have been working with my team to adapt what OrgCode does and how it does it given the new pandemic reality, seemingly ever-changing travel requirements, a homelessness response system that has gone through massive upheaval and change, and a world that loves video chats.
The pandemic has been humbling. When your identity is, in part, linked to relentlessly being on the road and connecting with community after community, it can be jarring when your wings get clipped. This has been an extraordinary gift in other ways though. I have been able to engage in some projects that I never would have had time for previously. I have learned much by being present and more thoughtful. I have gotten to know my family (and it turns out they are pretty neat people when you spend day after day with them, though I am grateful the kids are back to in-class learning). I find myself being gentler, more focused on kindness, and living an attitude of gratitude. I am not inclined to go back to being a flame throwing, provocative, change agent. I am much more at peace with myself.
Some other odds and ends that may be of interest:
· If you haven’t seen it, we updated our website. We have a combination of prerecorded and live training for professionals in the field available through the website. More prerecorded training will be added in coming weeks.
· The Book on Ending Homelessness, released just a few months before the pandemic, has been a frequent FriesenPress bestseller. That has been humbling. It also has had the intended impact of expanding dialogue on solutions to homelessness.
· My hometown (Sault Ste. Marie) digital media did an article on my work trying to end homelessness. As uncomfortable as it made me feel, I am grateful that it too has sparked some helpful discussion about both homelessness and opioids.
· Travel across borders is now an option for me again. I am one of several million Canadians that had mixed doses (AstraZeneca first shot; Moderna second shot) and it took a while for that to be officially acknowledged as fully vaccinated. I am booking into 2022 for a return to the road.
· The OrgCode team has changed and retracted a bit during the pandemic. Cindy, David, Tracy and I are going strong.
I am committed to blogging at least twice per month going forward. After more than a year and half of thinking and reflecting there are some insights I want to share. This won’t be the last you hear from me in this space, and I promise not to take such a long hiatus again.
Be excellent to each other.
A Message from OrgCode on the VI-SPDAT Moving Forward
In December 2020, OrgCode announced that we should phase out the VI-SPDAT and that it should be replaced by something better. Why?
A message from OrgCode:
In December, we announced the beginning of the end of the VI-SPDAT. Questions have emerged throughout the past couple of years that we would like to respond to now, with the goal of transitioning towards a future with a homelessness response tool and approach that also addresses racial and gender inequities – which the VI-SPDAT was never intended to do. We remain committed to ending homelessness. We remain committed to helping transform systems of care. We are thankful for all communities that have provided input along the way to help improve the VI-SPDAT.
We also want to say thanks again to every person – especially people with lived experience – service provider, community leader, and subject matter expert that has helped us along the way. And we want to say thank you to the critics that have challenged us to get better, be better and respond better to the needs of all people experiencing homelessness. In a quest to accelerate activities to improve approaches that further promote racial and gender equity, as well as acknowledge vulnerabilities, OrgCode will no longer be investing time or resources in updating and supporting the VI-SPDAT, although the full SPDAT as a service planning and case management tool will continue.
For many communities, the VI-SPDAT helped systems of care further evolve from managing homelessness with a "housing readiness" service orientation to a movement to prevent and end homelessness. Time for innovation and evolution is primed once more. Here's hoping for an even more community, equity and evidence-driven tool to help us address inequities within Coordinated Entry and other systems of care. Here's hoping we see an end to homelessness in our lifetime.
In December 2020, OrgCode announced that we should phase out the VI-SPDAT and that it should be replaced by something better. Why?
Reason #1 – In 2013, the VI-SPDAT was created to support communities in engaging people experiencing homelessness, identifying what the next steps might be for each household based on their unique situation, and to assist with identifying the 'most vulnerable' to be served first. We worked with partners to create something that moved us past approaches dedicated to first come - first served, good (or bad) luck, or worse, services and housing as a reward for good behavior. In its origin, the VI-SPDAT was meant to assist communities in a more equitable distribution and allocation of deeply limited resources.
Reason #2 – Despite our best efforts to communicate and train on recommended practices for who should be administering the survey, when it should be administered, and how the survey should be used, communities were going to use the VI-SPDAT in whatever way that they wanted. After efforts to move communities to the improved version 3 of the tool proved less successful than hoped, the decision to discontinue the VI-SPDAT work was finalized.
Reason #3 – Debates over the VI-SPDAT – as a tool and how it was being used in communities – continued to be a distraction to the mission of ending homelessness. We need less debate about tools and more focus on getting people housed and helping them stay housed.
I've read articles, reports and blogs critiquing the VI-SPDAT. What do the critiques get right and what do they get wrong?
Authorship of the VI-SPDAT and SPDAT: VI-SPDAT versions 1 and 2 were co-created by Community Solutions and OrgCode Consulting, Inc. Version 1 of the VI-SPDAT was launched in 2013 and version 2 was launched in 2015. Version 3, launched in spring 2020, is technically the current version of the tool, and was not co-created with Community Solutions. The full SPDAT assessment was created exclusively by OrgCode starting in 2009.
Fair Housing: as we understand it and have been advised, some of what has been recommended in recent reports as changes to the VI-SPDAT or approaches to Coordinated Entry would not align to U.S. Fair Housing legislation. Many critics tend to omit or over-simplify Fair Housing in their considerations. Every attempt we made to incorporate race or gender as factors for consideration as triage criteria was met with advice that doing so would violate Fair Housing.
Genesis of the VI-SPDAT: some articles get part of the story right, that the Vulnerability Index (VI) was a precursor, but no article has mentioned the SPDAT Prescreen that also was used to generate the initial tool.
Not an Assessment Tool: the VI-SPDAT was never designed to be an assessment tool. It was designed as a triage tool where it explicitly states that assessment should follow whatever results come from the VI-SPDAT. That assessment should be comprehensive, empowering, strengths-based, trauma-informed, factor in equity considerations, placed in the context of the local community and composition of the population served, and the intentions of Coordinated Entry. Unlike the self-reported triage tool, we also believe assessment should capture information using multiple methods: self-report; what is factually observed; with consent, what other professionals have to contribute to understanding the specific needs of the household; and, documentation and service data. Most (all?) communities included in these studies treated the VI-SPDAT as an assessment tool; then the studies fault the VI-SPDAT for various reasons that the tool was never designed to do.
How Scoring Information is Supposed to be Used: right in the name of the tool are the words "Decision Assistance Tool" not "Decision Making Tool." Nonetheless, in the communities examined as parts of independent reviews, they seem to be treating the VI-SPDAT as a decision-making tool, then fault the tool for making poor or inequitable decisions. Again, the tool was not designed to make decisions; it was designed to collect information to assist with decision-making.
Matching: the VI-SPDAT was supposed to be one piece of information considered in the matching process, not THE information used in the matching process. Nonetheless, it is clear from some of the critiques that communities were relying solely on VI-SPDAT information to make the match, which is problematic and influences the findings of these critiques.
Absence of Engagement with the Creators of the Tool: most of the critics of the tool never contacted us, consulted with us or otherwise engaged with us. It would have been easy to correct some of the assumptions and information in some of these critiques.
Factors that Influence Results of any Engagement Tool: environmental and engagement factors can influence results of the survey. Such factors as safety, rapport, as well as when, where and by whom the engagement is completed are important considerations. In addition, engagement with other systems, and acknowledgement of the systemic inequities within those systems play an important role in understanding results.
Equity Lens: critiques are right; the tool was never designed using a racial or gender equity lens. That is a powerful insight; one we totally agree with and believe should be a central focus for the pathway forward. However, the VI-SPDAT was created to highlight the housing and support needs that would benefit adults, youth and families to capitalize on their resilience while overcoming needs and vulnerabilities impacting their ability to resolve their homelessness. For many communities, the VI-SPDAT amplified opportunities to ensure that highly vulnerable households were finally prioritized for re-housing and supports.
Voices of Lived Experience: one of the reasons many of the VI-SPDAT questions are what they are and asked the way they are asked is because of the input of people with lived experience. That tends to be overlooked in the analysis done by others.
There are Different Versions of the Tools: the tools used in various countries (e.g., United States, Canada, Australia) have differences, and there are tools for different population groups, and there are the 2013, 2015 and 2020 versions of the tools. It has been common in some of the critiques to fail to mention which country, version of the tool, and population served by the tool was actually examined, but then state universal findings.
Why didn't you begin the end of the VI-SPDAT sooner?
In 2019 and early 2020, as we were working on updating to version 3 of the tool, we considered beginning the end then. We ultimately decided to go with a release of version 3 which addressed concerns from version 2 and where we had considerably more input and diverse representation in its update. We also were urged strongly by key advisors not to begin the end yet as it would potentially destabilize systems of care given how integrated the VI-SPDAT had become in so many communities. There was also the matter of the pandemic, and knowing that communities were very busy and at times overwhelmed with providing service in the new reality. By the fall of 2020 it was clear that version 3 had little uptake, but many communities were responding to the second wave of the pandemic and HMIS staff, who have been integral to all of this, were busy with Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) reports.
Where are things at with creating a new tool or approach?
After indicating in December that we should begin the end of the VI-SPDAT, we have come to learn that more work is already underway to develop tools or approaches that consider gender and racial equity than we were previously aware. We think it is great that such work is already occurring, and we have no desire or intention of getting in the way. We are open to providing insights or lessons learned from our work to organizations or initiatives going down the path of creating a tool or approach, if invited to do so. But we don't want in any way to negatively influence any aspect of a new tool or approach unfolding. OrgCode has no plans at this time to develop a new tool related to Coordinated Entry, and relinquishes that responsibility to experts in racial and gender equity as it relates to homelessness.
The training video for Version 2 of the VI-SPDAT is gone. Why?
OrgCode is no longer supporting communities to use version 2. If a community is using version 3, they will be supported until 2022.
Can we keep using the VI-SPDAT?
Communities can use any tool they want, and that has always been our position. If you are using version 3, which was launched in the spring 2020, we will provide support up until 2022. If you are using versions 1 or 2, OrgCode is no longer providing support to those versions of the tools.
Why did OrgCode not insist on training and consistency in rollout of the tools?
If we could have a do-over there are several things we would change. Certainly, one would be consistency in application, achieved through training. One of the biggest concerns we have had is how communities have used the tools or adapted the tools in ways never designed or considered in its development, which has definitely influenced some of the research findings. We made the tool available for free and it could be downloaded by anyone, with the end user assuming all risk. That was potentially a mistake, as it created diverse approaches to implementation and use that were never foreseen in its creation. There are also two other factors that influenced how the VI-SPDAT came to be and how it grew so quickly that impeded a better rollout. The first is the fact that the tool was developed initially to be used in Registry Weeks as part of the 100,000 Homes Campaign run by Community Solutions. The tool was never initially thought of as being instrumental to a community-wide Coordinated Entry process as Coordinated Entry is now understood and practiced. The second is the fact that around the time version 2 was released, the writing was on the wall that communities needed a tool as part of Coordinated Entry. Communities that were part of 100,000 Homes Campaign seemed to naturally gravitate towards the VI-SPDAT. Other communities gravitated towards the tool because it was free, readily available, integrated into many existing HMIS, and was already in use in other communities. The tipping point occurred, after which trying to put the genie back in the bottle has been next to impossible no matter how many materials we put out on how to better use the tool.
Who funded the VI-SPDAT?
The VI-SPDAT has never had a funder. For the majority of the VI-SPDAT's (and SPDAT's) existence, a five person team has tried to develop, maintain, support, test, research, refine and provide clarification about the tool across the majority of the United States, Canada, and Australia within the existing resources of OrgCode. We have not worked in a vacuum and have included the voice of people with lived experience, subject matter experts, community and agency leaders, as well as frontline staff. We acknowledge that many of the critiques of the tool have been better funded and had more staff than we have ever had as a small team hell-bent on ending homelessness and responding to the needs of community partners in their quest to improve services and supports. We can only imagine how things would have been different if a fraction of the funds used to critique the tool had been allocated to improving or replacing the tool.
What tool or approach should we use instead?
As OrgCode has always indicated, communities should pick the tool (or the approach) that works best for them. As previously stated, the OrgCode team is open to supporting others committed to the development of an improved tool or approach, if invited to do so, and we look forward to new innovations in the field. Those that have critiqued the VI-SPDAT will likely have important insights from their research on which approaches or tools should be used instead.
How has OrgCode updated/changed/improved the VI-SPDAT over the years?
Here's a glimpse of what we did just for developing version 3 of the tool: 176 survey responses; one-on-one interviews and focus groups with people with lived experience, and staff delivering direct services; and, interviews with policy makers, subject matter experts, and community leaders. Several communities agreed to help test and pilot version 3 and shared parts of their data with us (anonymized). Experts in Indigenous homelessness, as well as organizations that serve survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence were also consulted, and those entities helped prepare guidance on the administration of version 3 with those population groups.
Back when we updated version 2 along with Community Solutions we also got considerable feedback. Interestingly, one of the pieces of feedback was to ensure a question about trauma and abuse was included. After careful consideration and consultation with experts in trauma, those experts helped craft the question that became the final question of VI-SPDAT version 2. Based upon research and critiques, that may have not been the best question to ask or the best way to ask it. We thought we were being responsive to the community's input back then and listened to expert advice at the time.
Where are things at with the SPDAT?
We are continuing to support the SPDAT as a service planning and case management tool. That said, we are working on revamping it. An announcement with details can be expected mid to late 2021. Stay tuned!